Mr. Kutty in ICU

The news shocked me much...
Mr. Pockerkutty is a very rich business man and he has several Cafeteria (tea shop) in Al Qurayyath, Tabuk, and Jeddah (cities of Saudi Arabia). He's a close neighbor to me in Parakkav. (Moonniyur -Malappuram)
He flied to Gulf just after his secondary school studies, he didn't wait for the exam result to come, as he became afraid that it may not be favorable to him.
He got realized soon that he can be successful to a great extend in catering -hotel- Business field.
His calculation was exactly true! Within a few years, he could start a series of tea shops and hotels in the Kingdom.
He's landed here for a 6 months 'Khurooj Aoda' (Re-entry). I met him last week, but he looked very healthy, but how it happened he became hospitalized?
I was thinking and totally confused with the news.
I've a Vodafone with me, so i decided to call his home.
Luckily I got his mom on the other side...
"Hello, Mom, I'm confused, what happened to Kutty?"
"Oh, my son, He was quite well, but he felt dizziness and head ache yesterday"
She told me there was a party at home with a diverse dish items; they served chicken biriyani with mutton special and beaf roasted. River fish fry was the other side dish. Ice cream was the next item, and they concluded at last with a delicious milky drink ('Payasam').
Soon after the intake of all the variety items, he felt bad.
He was taken immediately to a local hospital in Parakkadavu, and when examined him, the Doctor knew that it's only an indigestion problem.
A lemon drink or a Ginger juice will do the cure.
The Doctor asked him: "Where do you work?"
"I'm a businessman in Gulf"
When heard he's Gulf businessman, the Doctor immediately referred him -Mr. Maliyakkal Pocker Kutty - to a Super Specialiy Hospital in Kozhikode.
...........and he's in between a series of expensive medical checkups, NOW.
--with luv
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